Working for hours on computer has become the new normal for many individuals, especially due to work from home during and after the COVID 19 lockdown. Irrespective of age, from 3-year-old children to 60-year-old aged individuals and above, internet addiction has been prevalent in the form of entertainment, to watch videos, play games, etc.
According to studies, the number of people with musculoskeletal issues due to the use of computers for long hours has increased by 25% over the last 10 years and counting.
Prolonged use of computers can affect muscles, ligaments, bones, etc. due to the sitting position, use of hands, fingers, etc.
Most common parts of body, that are affected are
- Lower back.
- Neck.
- Shoulder.
- Wrist/hand and fingers.
The most common symptoms are
- Headache.
- Neck pain.
- Back ache.
The factors, that play a major role are bad and uncomfortable position while working or using computer, working long without breaks (as people usually tend to focus and concentrate more during work with subconscious stiffness of body muscles), uncomfortable lightening around and of the screen brightness, etc.
Most common effects of the use of computers for a long period are:
- Lower back ache - Sitting and using computer in the same position for long period can cause muscle strain, increased tension over tendons and ligaments, pressure on the intervertebral discs (between the bone segments of spine). It is usually due to lack of proper support to the back, sitting on hard surface, incorrect inclination of the computer screen in relation to hands and eyes, etc.
- Neck and shoulder pain - Along with the above mentioned muscle strain, it could also be due to repetitive movements of arms, position of computer screen above or below eye level, placement of mouse and keyboard far away or too close to the body and hands, etc.
- Tension neck syndrome is characterized by pain, tenderness of neck on pressing the neck and with neck movements.
- Shoulder tendonitis (more common on right side due to use of mouse with right hand) causes pain, tenderness of shoulder causing difficulty and restriction of movements at shoulder such as raising shoulder, lifting weights, etc.
- Wrist tendonitis with deQuervains syndrome is not very common but usually associated with uncomfortable placement of keyboard and repetitive typing. One may experience pain, swelling at the base of thumb (thumb side of wrist), difficulty in movements of thumb, etc.
- Carpel tunnel syndrome is also not very common and occurs due to the pressure on nerve in wrist causing pain, tingling sensation, pins and needles sensation, weakness at wrist, palm, thumb finger, fore finger, middle finger, ring finger, etc.
These can be prevented by taking regular and frequent, short breaks without sitting in one position for long duration, sitting straight in a chair with cushion and back support, placing the screen of computer at eye level without the need to strain head and neck up or below, comfortable positioning of keyboard and mouse at the level of arms (or waist).